Is it cold in Denver? ALA Starts Friday.

denver_attendingHeading out to Denver first thing in the morning. The flight leaves from LAX at 6:00am and poor Leslie will have to drive me since I stopped riding. The weather may include snow, with temperatures in the 20s and 30s, so I’ll pack my jacket, gloves, and my touk. This is my 15th year as an ALA member and I’ve managed to pack my schedule with meetings, meetings, and more meetings. I keep telling Leslie that I’ll cut back on the ALA commitments, but haven’t managed to do so yet.

I’ll be staying at the Queen Anne Bed & Breakfast, a place keeping the environment in mind. Though it will cost me a bit more than the Holiday Inn, it does support the local business and green enterprises. Doing the right thing does cost more sometimes. The place isn’t super close to the convention center and other hotels, but I like to walk in cities and explore. Look for tweets or locations from Brightkite.

Here’s what my schedule looks like:

3:30am: wake up
6:00am: Los Angeles to Denver
1:30pm: Forum on Education (Convention Center) or possibly the OCLC Symposium, but I’m one of the Forum organizers.
3:30pm: ALA Scholarship & Study Grants Committee (Convention Center)
7:30pm: CJCLS Dinner at Rialto Café

8:00am: CJCLS Executive Committee (Convention Center)
9:30am: conference intermission with Order of Interbeing Conference Call
10:30am: ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of Year Award Committee (Crown Plaza)
12:00pm: ACRL Appointments Committee (ACRL Suite)
1:30pm: ALA Committee on Education (Convention Center)
4:00pm: ALA Education Assembly (Convention Center)
8:00pm: Library Society of the World Social (Wynkoop)
11:00pm: Facebook After Hours Party (The Corner Office)

8:00am: LITA Top Tech Trends (Crown Plaza)
9:00am: Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board (Westin)
10:30am: tentative Heads of Library Technology Interest Group (Grand)
11:30am: ACRL Presidential Candidates Luncheon (Sheraton)
1:30pm: Instruction Section: Teaching 2.0 (Convention Center)
4:00pm: BIGWIG (Curtis)
5:30pm: ACRL/Harvard Reunion (Marriott)
6:00pm: OCLC Blog Salon (Hyatt)
7:30pm: Ebsco Dinner (Baurs)

6:30am: MLK Sunrise Breakfast
9:00am: ACRL Booth Volunteer
10:00am: Exhibits
6:20pm: Denver to Los Angeles
10:00pm: Home in Ojai

Typical busy schedule, but I will still squeeze in a bit of meditation and possibly a movie. Look for reports from the conference. What have you got going this weekend?






2 responses to “Is it cold in Denver? ALA Starts Friday.”

  1. tadawes Avatar

    Hey Kenley,

    Also have a busy schedule, but I hope to see you Saturday evening or some other time.
    The weather here was great today – no jacket required. We're expecting a 30 degree drop in the temp tomorrow though. Should still be good walking weather though.

  2. online college Avatar

    Hey bro am living in same nation..I'll try your schedule if possible..let me see what happens..