Tag: friendfeed

  • Lifestream Experiment Ends, Back to Blogging

    During the months of March and April, I used the Lifestream plugin for WordPress to push my social media activities to my blog as a Daily Digest. The experiment is now complete and I am intending to return to my regular blog practices. Ironically, in the two months the number of regular blog posts did…

  • PeopleBrowsr – Up and Coming, but Still Developing

    I’ve been playing with a new product for the socially minded web user, but especially for tweeple. Currently in alpha, with new updates coming almost daily, PeopleBrowsr “is a simple visual dashboard that adds power to Twitter and your other online Identities. It funnels in data from your friends and IDs and then funnels it…

  • Work and Play – Keeping up with Technology

    Unbelievable that it has been three weeks since my last post here on misc.joy, but some of you already know that the Fall semester has begun and I am teaching two extra classes this semester. It has been a blast to teach the San Jose State class again, though the work load is high. I’ve…