Category: Technology

  • Three-Month Media Blackout

    I’m planning on doing a 3-month media blackout during my already-established sangha sabbatical (July-September). It will be an experiment on my need to know (probably why I became a librarian and also something that’s been present in me for as long as I can remember). The experiment may allow me to open up some internal…

  • Adding Songs to Music Library with Apple Watch

    I listen to a lot of music in my car. And I also don’t like pushing buttons on my phone while driving. And using Siri to add a track to my music library is super easy, but it interrupts the music playing. Yuck! If you’re an Apple Watch owner, then you’re in luck. While the…

  • Using WordPress with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

    Twitter takes the title, image and then links, so this limits title length. Facebook takes the post content and makes it the FB post and then adds the packaged link with title, image and content. LinkedIn packages it together as a shared link and shows title, summary, and image. It’s probably best to always include…

  • Protecting the Open Web. Returning to my Blog. Experimenting. 

    Push to walled gardens, but publish in the open.

  • 29-Hours to Order the iPhone 7

    It took me 29-hours to order the iPhone 7 Plus.  I had decided well before the Apple keynote earlier this week, thanks to solid internet rumors, that a new iPhone 7 Plus would be in the cards for me. In fact, I went so far as to put my current iPhone in the Gazelle queue.…

  • Evernote: Worth the Increased Cost?

    App costs are out of control – they usually don’t charge enough for what they offer. Lately, we are seeing a trend toward increased costs and Software as a Service (SaaS) models for supporting software development. In general, this is a good trend because we should be paying for the real cost of development. I…

  • The Technology Horse

    The Winter Retreat begins today at Plum Village and in a dharma talk earlier this week, Thich Nhat Hanh makes some very powerful statements about technology as well as giving very specific instructions to those practicing in the Winter Retreat. He uses the ancient story of a person traveling on horseback to ask the question…