Month: April 2011

  • Literacy and the Blogging Landscape

    As a community college librarian, I’ve often experienced that it’s just go, go, go from day one of the semester. We do what we know because it’s easy and less time intensive.  Finding space for experimentation doesn’t always appear. Then, every once a while, something comes along where we can stop and consider the possibility. I’m at…

  • An Experiment: Children in School

    Today is the first day of school for my 7-year old daughter. We have two children, ages seven and ten, who have been homeschooled their entire lives. Since our older child was very young, our intention was to homeschool them for as long as it seemed feasible and right. During the last ten years, the homeschool approach to…

  • This Is Not Hardcore

    Don’t feel much like writing tonight, though I’ve had a good run since committing to writing something everyday. Instead, you get a music mix. Hear tracks from Nicolas Jaar, James Blake, Radiohead, Gil Scott-Heron & Jamie XX, Elbow, and Mogwai. All great new stuff.

  • Expanding Library Hours? Yes!

    In this economic environment, it’s not very often a library can expand hours. This semester, the Luria Library has been encouraged to expand our weekend hours and we have been given the funds to do so. The community donor met with me a couple weeks ago and she suggested the expanded hours. Over my other…

  • Google Apps and Nonprofits

    I recently came across the Google for Nonprofits program and thought it might fit the need for a local nonprofit called Ojai Valley Green Coalition. At my 7pm appointment with their Executive Director and another volunteer, we had a great time talking about utilizing Google Apps for the organization. Originally, they came to me with…

  • Soil and Rocks. Breathing and Smiling.

    We’ve all been there. The endless lists, multitude of projects, work/family/volunteer seemingly colliding together. Some days we feel like the rocks and soil are simply burying us alive with the anxiety and fear. It is in times like that when breathing and smiling can really save the day, at least in the moment. Even after…

  • D dwfree extra points for Our ongoing connection.

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