Author: Kenley Neufeld

  • Adding Songs to Music Library with Apple Watch

    I listen to a lot of music in my car. And I also don’t like pushing buttons on my phone while driving. And using Siri to add a track to my music library is super easy, but it interrupts the music playing. Yuck! If you’re an Apple Watch owner, then you’re in luck. While the…

  • Sunday Morning Clouds

  • Morning Gift from a Cactus

  • Injustice and the Four Noble Truths

    This morning I spent time revisiting the Tenth Mindfulness Training of the Order of Interbeing. This training sometimes causes confusion for practitioners who are uncertain how to engage in public action and discourse. The text from the book Interbeing is quite clear.  A spiritual community, however, should take a clear stand against oppression and injustice.…

  • Table and Chairs

    iPhone 7 Plus with Moment Lens

  • Insight Gatha

    The partner, child, and parent are the teacher. Clouds and mountains teach the student. The seed of diligence supports marriage, family and sangha. The fruit springs forth from love and understanding.

  • Using WordPress with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

    Twitter takes the title, image and then links, so this limits title length. Facebook takes the post content and makes it the FB post and then adds the packaged link with title, image and content. LinkedIn packages it together as a shared link and shows title, summary, and image. It’s probably best to always include…