Category: Buddhism
Happiness and Suffering are Inseparable
Suffering and happiness are inseparable. We all have both and they both come and go throughout our lives – at least up to this point in my life. Our practice of Mindfulness is an effort to transform our suffering into happiness. It is an effort to move in the direction of joy. It is an…
Soil and Rocks. Breathing and Smiling.
We’ve all been there. The endless lists, multitude of projects, work/family/volunteer seemingly colliding together. Some days we feel like the rocks and soil are simply burying us alive with the anxiety and fear. It is in times like that when breathing and smiling can really save the day, at least in the moment. Even after…
Writing an Introduction for 3k People
How do you write a 5-minute introduction for an award winning author and scholar for ACRL 2011? To say I’m a little nervous is an understatement, though I’ve done my homework. I’ve known for several months about this introduction, and tomorrow is the big day to introduce Raj Patel. I read his most recent book,…
Relationships, Community, and Sexual Energy
I was honored to serve on the Question & Answer panel for this year’s Holiday Retreat at Deer Park Monastery with Br. Phap Hai, Sr. Mat Nghiem, Br. Phap De, Sr. Dac Nghiem, and Dharmacharya Eileen Kiera. As a Dharmacharya in training, every opportunity given to share with an audience pushes me to deepen my…
Mixing Routine
I’m pretty fixed in my routine – variations occur very infrequently. I like it that way because it keeps me more stable; more sane. Today was different. Normally the morning routine goes something like the following: 4:00am Alarm 4:20am Out of Bed 4:30am In the Zendo doing Yoga 4:50am In the Zendo meditating 5:30am Shower 5:50am…
Making Things Right
This year we launched a revised web site for the library and I decided to incorporate new elements that I thought would be beneficial to students. Other library staff were challenged by one of new elements and made their case for not moving ahead. I felt strongly about the element and decided to move forward…
Leaves, Waves, Stars
Leaves, Waves, Stars Download now or listen on posterous Leaves, Waves, Stars.mp3 (2583 KB) A lovely practice song from the International Plum Village Sangha. We are all the leaves of one tree. We are all the stars of one sky. We are all the leaves of one tree. The time has come for all to…