Tag: thich nhat hanh

  • Insight Gatha

    The partner, child, and parent are the teacher. Clouds and mountains teach the student. The seed of diligence supports marriage, family and sangha. The fruit springs forth from love and understanding.

  • Love Letter to the Earth

    Love Letter to the Earth

    Dear Mother Earth, I feel you under my feet. The gravity holding me close to you. You are alive with the energy of soil, water, and minerals. I see your children all around – the birds, the snails, the flies, the hens, the coyote, the rat, the orange blossom, the trees, and the mountains. Dear…

  • Gen X Dharma Teachers Gathering

    Updated on June 17, 2013 The location was the hidden valley of Deer Park Monastery near San Diego, California. This 500-acre sanctuary provided the space for about 60 dharma teachers to meet for five days in early June. The weather was perfect, the sharing intimate, the facilitation exceptional, and the practice grounded. The dharma teachers…

  • Accessing Dharma Talks by Thich Nhat Hanh

    We are currently in the midst of the Winter Retreat and Thich Nhat Hanh is giving dharma talks on Sunday and Thursday mornings (CET) each week. As in the past, most talks during winter are in Vietnamese with translations. The schedule will probably change slightly once we near Christmas and New Year. If you are…

  • International Day of Peace

    Established in 2002  1982, today is the United Nations’ International Day of Peace. As a lifelong pacifist and peace activist, I see today as another opportunity to take action. Being peaceful in the time of war and turmoil is a very courageous act and often counter to how we are told to act and to…

  • Busylessness – Are you too Busy?

    I’m exploring the joys of being busy and taking a close look at the commitments in my life. What does it mean to be busy? To have commitments? Is it possible to have to many? I’ve heard Thich Nhat Hanh talk about something called busylessness, or businesslessness, [the correct term is “businessless” invented by Master…