Checked in at Being Peace Zendo
Checked in at Starbucks – Montecito
Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College
Posted Excellent.
Shared Untitled.
Yay! We went from DS3 (45mb) to Gigamon (1000mb) @SantaBarbaraCC this week. See % of bandwidth chart. [kenleyneufeld]
Shared Untitled.
Published Make Library Conferences Better.
Make Library Conferences Better, a new blog post on – – READ IT. [kenleyneufeld]
Checked in at Lazy Acres Market
Checked in at Starbucks
Checked in at Santa Barbara City College
Shared Apple iPad FAQ.
Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College
RT @chrismessina: RT @GOOD: C-SPAN makes entire archive—160,000 hours of video, dating back to 1987—available online. | [kenleyneufeld]
Observing Chicana/Latina class tonight. 11 Latina women & 3 young men students. Always fun to observe classes & student interactions. [kenleyneufeld]
Checked in at Lower Drown
Kenley’s Daily Digest for March 19th