Kenley’s Daily Digest for March 28th

foursquare (feed #10)
Checked in at Being Peace Zendo
twitter (feed #14)
Reading "DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs & the Coming Transformation of Education" and also wishing it was next Saturday. #ipad [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
Crafting a more equitable system requires not only helping more kids read better, but rewarding & honoring different kinds of success. DIYU. [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
If you didn’t preorder your iPad before today, new shipping date is April 12 (or go in person?). Still expecting mine on 3rd. [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
Being an early adopter on @foursquare got me lots of Mayorships, but now they’re falling away like leaves as service mainstreams. [kenleyneufeld]
generic (feed #15)
twitter (feed #14)
Current reading stack. What’s yours look like? [kenleyneufeld]
flickr (feed #5)
hulu (feed #8)
foursquare (feed #10)
foursquare (feed #10)
foursquare (feed #10)
Checked in at Lower Drown
twitter (feed #14)
Gardening with Frightened Rabbit. (@ Lower Drown) [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
For profit colleges account for 28% of all 2-year colleges in the United States. #diyu [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
A new home to play within always bring excitement. [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
Finding kind of groovy. [kenleyneufeld]
twitter (feed #14)
Love the handling of Twitter Lists in @pipioinc, esp the post count. Nice touch. [kenleyneufeld]
foursquare (feed #10)
Checked in at Hakane Sushi
foursquare (feed #10)
foursquare (feed #10)
Checked in at Lower Drown
hulu (feed #8)
hulu (feed #8)



