Tweetings is fast and responsive on iPad. Some nice extras like scheduling, auto refresh, etc. Nice Lists handling too. $3. [kenleyneufeld]
Shared My Favorite iPad Apps (Week 1).
Shared My Favorite iPad Apps (Week 1).
My Favorite iPad Apps (Week 1) [kenleyneufeld]
Gonna give @DreamHost a 2-wk trial since I’ve having so much trouble with existing host. I hate migrating accounts & hope it’s worth it. [kenleyneufeld]
Thich Nhat Hanh – Rescuing All Beings [kenleyneufeld]
Checked in at Lake Casitas Pass
Checked in at Starbucks – Montecito
Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College
Checked in at Jim & Rob’s Fresh Grill
Checked in at Starbucks
Checked in at Lower Drown
Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 12th