Checked in at Being Peace Zendo
Checked in at Park and Ride / Skate Park
Checked in at Lazy Acres Market
Checked in at Starbucks
Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College
All the campus XP stations are on a regular & frequent restart experience; happy to be on my Mac. Poor students. [kenleyneufeld]
Mercury Retrograde strikes @SantaBarbaraCC with XP stations across campus restarting. Restarting. Restarting. [kenleyneufeld]
Anyone else out there being hit by systemwide XP virus today? Found another in KY. [kenleyneufeld]
Watched V – s1 | e8 – We Can’t Win.
Checked in at Lower Drown
Checked in at Farmer and the Cook
Checked in at Full of Beans Coffee House & Bakery
I’m heading to Mexico City with the family soon; what neighborhood should we stay in for a few days? [kenleyneufeld]
I really need to work on getting a refund from @LunarPages for their lack of customer support. [kenleyneufeld]
Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 21st
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