Author: Kenley Neufeld

  • A Christmas Teaching on Love

    It is with joy I discover myself reading about Christ’s two greatest teachings on this Christmas Eve day. The first is to love God with all our heart. If I view this absolute love in a non-dualistic way, this also means to love myself with all my heart. The second teaching is to love your…

  • The Technology Horse

    The Winter Retreat begins today at Plum Village and in a dharma talk earlier this week, Thich Nhat Hanh makes some very powerful statements about technology as well as giving very specific instructions to those practicing in the Winter Retreat. He uses the ancient story of a person traveling on horseback to ask the question…

  • Second Four Exercises of Mindful Breathing

    Breathing for Joy and Happiness: Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. This dharma talk is the second part of a four-part series on mindful breathing given by Kenley Neufeld at Lulu Bandha in Ojai, California. Original date is September 29, 2013. Our text is from the…

  • The First Four Exercises of Mindful Breathing

    Breathing for Joy and Happiness: Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. This dharma talk is the first part of a four-part series on mindful breathing given by Kenley Neufeld at Lulu Bandha in Ojai, California. Original date is September 22, 2013. Our text is from the…

  • A Place of Refuge in Ojai

    Practicing meditation together as a sangha, or community, is a transformative experience that can help you deepen your practice and nourish happiness and joy in your daily life. The sangha can be a place of refuge for all who attend. My intention as a dharma teacher is to provide a place of refuge and to…

  • Working with our Relationships

    Earlier this week I shared in our sangha newsletter a series of questions presented by Thich Nhat Hanh in Hong Kong this past May. He simply read off about 20 questions at the beginning of the Public Talk and invited the listeners to allow them to penetrate into their heart. They weren’t easy questions necessary.…

  • Gen X Dharma Teachers Gathering

    Updated on June 17, 2013 The location was the hidden valley of Deer Park Monastery near San Diego, California. This 500-acre sanctuary provided the space for about 60 dharma teachers to meet for five days in early June. The weather was perfect, the sharing intimate, the facilitation exceptional, and the practice grounded. The dharma teachers…