Author: Kenley Neufeld
Support Local Businesses, No Chains in Ojai
Back in mid-2006 I created a wiki to document a community effort to restrict formula businesses (aka-chains) in Ojai, California. We were ultimately successful on November 27, 2007 with the passage of Ordinance #798. A few years later I shut down the wiki because it was requiring too much effort on my part to maintain and…
Healing with Joy
This year I’ve been moving slowly through the Satipatthana Sutta. It’s bringing me much joy and enthusiasm for the practice. This Sutta is one of the foundational teachings from the Buddha. Like most teachings, the Sutta wasn’t written down for hundreds of years after the Buddha lived, but it was passed down orally from generation…
The Body and Sickness
The body is quite a wonder. Observing it from perfect health to sickness and then beginnings of health again has been a deep practice in mindfulness. Hello body, I know you are there and I smile in amazement. I first felt the emergence of sickness over two weeks ago. Some grumpiness in my emotions and…
Today’s Happiness
The day is coming to a close and I feel happy. What brought me happiness today? the beautiful sunshine arriving at work super early dinner organized by Leslie (yummy food from Farmer & the Cook) completing two OCLC WMS tasks that have been waiting for weeks completing a sangha directory request from the UK that’s…
Mindfulness and Social Media: Shifting Perspectives
One of the results from the past few weeks of mindfulness practice, first a few days at Deer Park and now a few days at the Wisdom 2.0 conference, has been a looking deeply at my social media presence. I love the technology and am relatively active on several networks. I heavily use Twitter and…
All This Relates to Everything
This is what Ev of Twitter fame said during his interview with Soren Gordhamer from the stage of Wisdom 2.0 conference in San Francisco – all this relates to everything. Brilliance in five words. Wisdom 2.0 is a tech conference, but it’s not. It’s business conference, but it’s not. It’s a wisdom gathering, a dharma…
Mindfulness Workshop at USC
In conjunction with Wake Up!, I will be leading a Mindfulness Workshop at USC in Los Angeles on Sunday, February 10 for young adults ages 17-35. Learn more and register online. Space is limited.