Category: music

  • Six Months and Six Albums

    Six Months and Six Albums

    Music fanatic here! (nod to Henry Rollins). If you’ve read my blog for a long time, you’d know that I used to cover music quite a bit. We’re half way through the year 2024 and there’s been some fine releases this year. Some truly beautiful music. I have some eclectic tastes so I hope you…

  • From Monastery to  Canada

    From Monastery to Canada

    Yesterday marked six months since I left the monastery. It’s was also my son’s 24th birthday. And my dad arrived for a short Father’s Day visit. This seemed like a good time to reflect on what’s been happening these past months. I’ve settled into a very nice 2-bedroom apartment in Abbotsford that’s within walking distance…

  • Attending Iceland Airwaves Music Festival

    Attending Iceland Airwaves Music Festival

    This week I attended my first Iceland Airwaves music festival in Reykjavik and I’d definitely do it again. I first heard of Airwaves 5-6 years ago through the KEXP podcast. Since then I’ve been tuned in a bit more to Icelandic musicians beyond the big names (Björk and Sigur Rós) and I’m happier for the…

  • Serenity through Music

    In this time of difficulty and challenge, there are not many places to turn. When I can discover what brings me peace and joy, then I should take the opportunity to embrace it. There is one thing in particular that brings me joy, and that is music. It’s been a long-standing salve for my suffering.…

  • 6 Ways to Discover New Music

    To discover new music is not always simple and easy. It takes time and effort for the music lover to find those gems. Six ways to discover new music.

  • Remixes, Pop, and Electronica Create my Top Five Albums of 2018

    As we reach the end of 2018, it’s time to reflect upon the music released this year. With the advent of streaming services, it feels a bit like being in the 1980s when I could buy a release at Tower Records and then exchange it if I didn’t like the album. This year, 106 new releases…

  • Adding Songs to Music Library with Apple Watch

    I listen to a lot of music in my car. And I also don’t like pushing buttons on my phone while driving. And using Siri to add a track to my music library is super easy, but it interrupts the music playing. Yuck! If you’re an Apple Watch owner, then you’re in luck. While the…