Category: General
Vanity. Pure and simple. I’m one of the earliest users of @twitter @instagram & @foursquare
Taken at Lower Drown
Can you place a financial value on your gmail account? Backupify thinks so. Here’s mine.
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Lamp Transmission for Kenley
With deep joy and gratitude, I am happy to share with you the good news that I have been invited to receive the Lamp of Wisdom, encouragement to teach, by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community. Lamp Transmission Ceremonies for monastic and lay practitioners will be held at Deer Park Monastery, near San…
Frog Warriors
I'm stepping out of my comfort zone by choosing to join a small group of men for eight gatherings over the next four months. I've done a great deal of group work over the last twenty years, but this one already feels different. It's not a Buddhist group. It's not a 12-step group. Most importantly,…
WordPress Strips Basic Code
Recently a staff member was updating a WordPress post by editing the post code. As soon as any edit was made and saved, the post lost all the <select> and <option> tags associated with a form (see before and after screen shots). The staff member had Editor level status. During the troubleshooting, we have attempted…
REI Treats This Customer Right
An REI store recently opened in Santa Barbara, so shortly after Christmas I went there to spend my gift money on a new pair of shoes. It was January 2. I bought the shoes for $99 and have been happily wearing them since. A week or two after my visit, it came to my attention…
A Bitter Harvest: California, Marijuana, and the New Jim Crow
I highly recommend listening to this radio show exploring themes of racism, drugs and legal disenfranchisement. The discussion centers around California marijuana growing and the apparent inequities between white pot farmers and and widespread incarceration of African-American men throughout America. It’s a thoughtful discussion and one worthy of hearing and considering, particularly for white Americans. The…