Category: Lifestream

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 21st

    Checked in at Being Peace Zendo Checked in at Park and Ride / Skate Park Checked in at Lazy Acres Market Checked in at Starbucks Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College All the campus XP stations are on a regular & frequent restart experience; happy to be on my Mac. Poor students.…

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 20th

    Checked in at Ojai Coffee Roasting Co. Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College We have a temporary FT 1-yr contract in American Ethnic Studies @SantaBarbaraCC – 4/30 deadline – [kenleyneufeld] Even though I’m only one customer (since 2006), it’s kind of sad that @lunarpages let my business slip away. [kenleyneufeld] I’d…

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 19th

    Published Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 19th. Checked in at Being Peace Zendo Checked in at Ojai Coffee Roasting Co. Last week was on of the most challenging I’ve experienced in a LONG time; looking forward with a positive outlook to today. [kenleyneufeld] Checked in at Park and Ride / Skate Park Checked in at…

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 19th

    Checked in at Ojai Coffee Roasting Co. Checked in at Westridge Market Checked in at Wachter Hay and Grain Checked in at Kingston’s Candy Co. Checked in at Libbey Park Checked in at Lower Drown Shared Suspended by @LunarPages again! Why can’t they help with more specifics?. Shared Suspended by @LunarPages again! Why can’t they…

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 16th

    Checked in at Temple Fine Coffee & Tea Checked in at Temple Fine Coffee & Tea Checked in at Hyatt Regency Sacramento Checked in at Century Stadium 14 Checked in at Barnes & Noble – Arden Fair Checked in at Starbucks Kick Ass was pretty fun, though kind of strange to watch cute 11-yr old…

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 15th

    Checked in at Starbucks – Montecito Checked in at Santa Barbara Airport – SBA Heading back to Sacramento for two days. Coucil of Chief Librarians. — at Santa Barbara Airport [kenleyneufeld] NTS. Submit iPad app purchases to employer for reimbursement. FTPtoGo. Pages. Keynote. Good Reader. [kenleyneufeld] RT @latimes: Breaking: Britain cancels all flights because…

  • Kenley’s Daily Digest for April 14th

    Checked in at Being Peace Zendo Checked in at Starbucks – Montecito Checked in at Santa Barbara Harbor Checked in at Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College Any reason for not waiting for secure empty trash can on OSX to continue and use regular delete? I have 54k items. [kenleyneufeld] RT @librarycongress: How Tweet It…