Category: General

  • Urban City in a Small Town

    Window display in Ojai Creates. Posted via web from On the fly…

  • Are you in Vietnam? Please Help.

    The monks and nuns of BN are evicted from the temple and now arestaying temporarily in chua Phuoc Hue, the big temple of central BaoLoc, right on the main highway Saigon-Dalat with the big statue and locates next to the church. This is the temple that our delegationvisited with Thich Nhat Hanh on the trip…

  • My Online Persona

    Thanks to Isaac Pigott's post on this, I decided to check it out. What I found most fascinating was watching the tool develop the profile by searching the web based simply on entering my first and last name. This process may not work very well for someone with a common name, but for me it…

  • Digging the new Steve Earle

    Lungs by Steve Earle  Download now or listen on posterous 05 Lungs.mp3 (2717 KB) Though I would not be considered a huge country music fan, I do own a few country albums. The latest from Steve Earle, a tribute to Towes Vans Zandt, is a sweet piece of music. Check out this song Lungs from the…

  • Discoveries in Fasting

    It has been eight years since the last time I fasted – it was in late 2001 – and for that fast I practiced in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters by fasting from sunrise to sunset for a couple of weeks. Recently I was sharing about a personal relationship issue with a monastic…

  • Exercise and Retreats

    I typically am not a huge fan of exercise. However, while staying at the Deer Park Monastery I usually get more than my fair share due to the size of the property and the hills. In addition, we frequently have a time of recreational exercise including volleyball (my favorite) and basketball. Check this out from…

  • Today I Have 20 Years Sober, Thank You

    It was twenty years ago today that I took my last drink of alcohol. I was 21-years old at the time and it was my third or fourth attempt at stopping. Today I am living on grace, and though I don’t speak publicly of this very often, I want everyone to know how proud I…